張庆元:Publishing in Competitive Journals: What, Why, and How(时间:12.11)
2020年12月09日 00:00 作者:admin浏览量: 返回列表

报告题目:Publishing in Competitive Journals: What, Why, and How

报 告 人:張庆元 澳大利亚莫道克大学博士生导师





Timothy Teo (Ph.D.) is Professor of Education at Murdoch University (Australia). Previously, he was Distinguished Professor of Education and Associate Dean at the Faculty of Education, University of Macau (China SAR). Currently, Timothy is also Honorary Chair Professor at the National Tsinghua University (Taiwan) and has held visiting appointments in Malaysia, Australia, Singapore, and Mainland China. Timothy’s research interests are multi-disciplinary and they include both substantive and methodological areas. These are Educational Psychology (Self-efficacy of teachers and students; Beliefs about teaching and learning; Meta-cognition), ICT in Education (Technology acceptance and adoption; e-learning; digital natives), Music Education (Psychological processes of music teaching and learning), and Quantitative Methods (Psychometrics; Instrument development and validation; cross-cultural measurement; issues in survey development and administration; structural equation modeling; multilevel modeling; latent growth modeling). Timothy is chief editor of two international journals, The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher (TAPER) and International Journal of Quantitative Research in Education (IJQRE), and sits in the editorial board of over 10 international journals. As an author, he has edited three books and written many book chapters and conference papers. To date, Timothy has published over 180 peer-reviewed journal articles, with 140 in highly-ranked SSCI journals including Computers and Education, Educational and Psychological Measurement, Interactive Learning Environment, Journal of computer Assisted Learning, British Journal of Educational Technology, Journal of Research in Music Education, Computers in Human Behavior, The Internet and Higher Education, Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, and Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. A highly cited scholar, Professor Timothy Teo has 11,713 citations and a H-index of 54 (Google Scholar).

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